Little Longhorns gave a warm welcome to Charles Martinez, Jr., the new Dean for the UT College of Education when he visited the school on Thursday, Sept. 12. Joined by Associate Deans Sherry Field and Beth Maloch, Martinez also visited educators and students atTexas NeuroRehab Center, one of our charter school sites. This was his first visit to the UT Charter School System since becoming dean last January.

During the tour, our guests met Little Longhorns who dream of attending “big” UT in a few years as well as several teachers who are University of Texas at Austin alumni. Dean Martinez was excited to learn that there are four UT Elementary School graduates currently enrolled at the University.
Dean Martinez, whose background is as a prevention scientist specializing in identifying factors that hinder or promote the success of children and families from vulnerable populations, spent a few minutes working on vocabulary with fifth-grade students. We bet those students will always remember what the word ‘treacherous’ means.

While on the tour, the deans learned about the role the UT Elementary School plays as a research-based demonstration school for the College of Education and the Steve Hicks School of Social Work.

The final stop on the tour was a visit with Librarian Jan Evans in the Dell Library where Sherry Field, Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs, loved hearing about the creativity and curiosity of UTES students.